· 2 min read

Pathways to Exponential Change

Learn how you can enable social impact at scale, with speed, and in a sustainable manner!

Pathways to Exponential Change

Think Scale

Social problems are large. In our efforts to address the size of these problems, we often grapple with scale. How do we perceive the scale of the problems we’re trying to solve? How do we design for scale? How do we monitor progress? Think Scale is an opportunity to pause and reflect on how to solve at scale. It is a window into the thoughts and experiences of change leaders, thinkers and funders on a journey to enable impact at scale. 

Think Speed

Social problems mutate. In our efforts to keep pace with shifting problems, we often grapple with speed. How do we anticipate change? How do we enable diverse solutions by reimagining the role of civil society, government and markets? How do we act before problems change size and shape?

Think Speed is an opportunity to pause and reflect on how to make change exponential – change that inspires more and rapid change. It is a window into the thoughts and experiences of change leaders, thinkers and funders on a journey to enable rapid change.

Think Sustain

Social problems are complex. In our efforts to deal with emerging uncertainties, we often grapple to sustain change. How do we sustain, at scale, the limited impact of a specific change? How do we strengthen the agency of people to make change? How do we institutionalise change?

Think Sustain is an opportunity to pause and reflect on how to sustain change. It is a window into the thoughts and experiences of change leaders, thinkers and funders on a journey to enable change that sustains.

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