Charcha, 2024 (20-22 Aug | New Delhi)

Charcha, 2024 (20-22 Aug | New Delhi)

Collaborative discussions around social development & policy in India. It highlights key themes, speakers, and sessions aimed at driving impactful change.

About the Event

Charcha 2024 is an annual event organized by The/Nudge Forum, focusing on dialogue and collaboration to address critical social issues in India. It brings together policymakers, industry leaders, non-profits, and academia to discuss strategies and solutions for societal challenges. The event features panels, workshops, and networking opportunities aimed at fostering impactful change.

Charcha 2024

Technology holds the potential to drive substantial social benefits. Here are some notable use cases:

  • Climate Monitoring and Precision Farming: Advanced tech aids in efficient agricultural practices.
  • Telemedicine and Smart Diagnostics: Enhancing healthcare access and quality.
  • Digital Literacy and Identity: Promoting skills and inclusion.
  • Resource Allocation and Scheme Documentation: Improving support for marginalized communities.

As we embrace technologies like AI and blockchain, it’s crucial to ensure equitable distribution, easy access, and ethical use.

Event Details:

  • Event: Charcha on Tech for Good
  • Location: IHC, New Delhi
  • Dates:  August 20, 2024 → August 22, 2024
  • Co-hosts: Google and Purpose

Join us to explore how technology can shape a better future for everyone.

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